
MethodType of TestingRegularly Tested Product TypesDescription
ASTM D1735

Humidity testingCoatings, lubricantsCoated samples are exposed to a corrosive environment in order to test corrosion resistance. The corrosive conditions in this chamber include elevated temperature and constant water fog (~100%RH/38 °C).
ASTM D1748Humidity testingCorrosion inhibiting oilsCoated panels are placed on a rotating stage and exposed to a corrosive environment in order to test corrosion resistance. The corrosive conditions in this chamber consist of high temperature and high humidity (~100%RH/49 °C).
CC-018Humidity testingCoatings, lubricantsCortec also has an internal method, for humidity testing that includes broader specifications for sample preparation but with the same test conditions as ASTM D1748. Contact us for more details.